No one ever taught us about our sexuality, our bodies, or how to conduct ourselves erotically in a constructive, conscious, and empowering way.
No one passed this wisdom on to us so we can know ourselves better, and show up the powerful sexual beings we can be.
The knowledge we’ve gotten is by the vast majority from porn, which is not a reliable, realistic, or healthy source of education about becoming a good lover.
Furthermore – studies have shown that excessively & rapidly watching, masturbating, and ejaculating to porn creates an abundance of problems for men today.
Such As:
If you apply all that is in this course you’ll grow in intimacy with yourself, and your partner\s, Decondition and redefine your relationship to your own sexuality and pleasure, so you can share it powerfully with the world. This will directly affect how you show up in life as a man.
You Want To:
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10 Days
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
7 Days
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
5 Days
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
10 Days
Mindset is everything. In this module we will learn the most important approaches that will revolutionize your sex
Bringing it into the body. In this module we will learn how to develop an embodied relationship to sex and pleasure.
Implementation of it all. In this module we will learn about breath, sound, movement, energy, the different tools to last longer, control our ejaculation, and even how to become multi orgasmic.
You will get a pdf workbook with all the material of the course.
Plus… Each Module Consists Of:
If you fully commit to this course, put in the work, and apply all that is in it…
Some possible results would be:
A mentor and a coach for men and women in the fields of Sexual mastery & Erotic embodiment, as well as a shadow work facilitator and Men’s work conductor. he comes with a rich background in the Tantric lineage, the Taoist sexual arts as well as modern Sexology.
His mission is to support people to reach more embodied freedom, confidence, and power, in their body, mind & spirit.
He is one of the facilitators for The Apollo Project: Erotic Embodiment retreats for men, as well as hosting his own retreats and workshops around the world.
Provocateur of BodyJoy Intimacy School and bodyworker for both the Apollo Project and Back to The Body.
Her delightfully explicit classes, offer up a unique journey into erotic growth and exploration, inspiring couples to learn ways to talk, touch and play that feels both safe and exciting.
With a trauma-sensitive foundation, she skillfully leads customized immersive experiences that nourish, enliven, and call explorers deeply into their own erotic self-expressed. All experiences are curated through the lens of Sexological Bodywork, trance states, tao-tantric perspectives, and BDSM as a sensual healing modality.
Choose to make a difference in your sex and love life.
We will always respect your privacy.