Are you ready to discover the vastness of your own pleasure?
Lean and breathe into your sensual edge through soulful bodywork with Melissa D or your choice of a powerful duo (4 handed massage).
Deeply relax into a slow, full body sensory experience with both Melissa and her masterful Female of Male BodyJoy bodyworker. Pick tools from our collection…or engage your imagination! Here is your chance to receive a delightfully tailored session, where you get to choose to focus on breath work, pleasure mapping, prostate or Gspot massage and expanding your capacity for more pleasure.
There is nothing you need to “do”, instead you get the gift of simply receiving and letting go…
Individual session with Melissa start at $280.
4 Handed Experience with Melissa + a skilled female or male BodyJoy colleague $480
Come w/ a prop, clothing, mask or fun thing to incorporate into your session…
Due to the limited availability of these sessions, I ask that you please pay for your session in order to reserve your session.
What interests you … what are you curious to discover?
Let me know if you have any other questions or you are ready to book your appointment. [email protected]