What’s Your Sexual Resolution for the New Year?

How do you want to grow your sexuality in the coming year?  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Do you want a better sex life?  Make a resolution!


Last year I resolved to play more and attract playful partners.  What a difference that resolution has made in my life! I challenge you to make a sexual resolution for  the coming year.


Here’s what I did:

1) First, I resolved to turn off the computer by 6 pm every day and leave it off on Sundays. I was forcing myself to find other things to do…changing old habits!


2) I started…flirting! (And women love it when men flirt too!) I love the feeling that any where, any time, I could turn myself on with a flirt–over and over.  I flirted in emails, called old friends, and invited men to do things with me. The more I flirted the easier and funner it became.


3) I joined a dating site and practiced being authentic–instead acting interested in someone. I started interrupting as a way to be more authentic.  The moment I got bored or antsy in a conversation, I interrupted him or her  instead of letting them go on–and me check out.  I vowed to stay totally present.  Yep, I stopped faking conversation just like I stopped faking orgasms–some thirty years ago. Wow, try it!


4)  I bought a small cloth-bound book to record wonderful things people said to me. I keep my ‘appreciation book’ handy on the piano, and refer to it when I’m feeling down. It works wonders!  We have great sex when we feel good about ourselves. This could be your New Year’s sexy resolution.


Dear friends, let me share with you from my appreciation book: “You’re a blonde bulldog for love.  You got your Marilyn on!  I was in crises over turning thirty, now I want to be sixty just like you.  You spread fairy dust–I feel your presence after you leave.”    Humm, Happy Resolution Making!

1 thought on “What’s Your Sexual Resolution for the New Year?”

  1. Hi Charla,
    I really like your post. I often get my clients to make a list of 10 things they want to explore in sex. The couple then swaps lists and chooses one or two things to do. This way the more challanging things can at least be expressed by each other.
    This idea could make a good new year resolution, exploring new things in sexuality.

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